Sunday, October 25, 2015

Unit 4
Solar Energy

Solar energy is the cleanest and most plentiful renewable energy source. Solar energy comes from the sun and can be used for many things, including generating electricity, light, heating and cooling homes, and heating water. It is a flexible energy technology that can be constructed as a distributed generation, like at people’s homes, or a central-station, utility-scale solar power plant. These are like traditional power plants (besides their generation methods) that most of the time have storage capabilities to store the energy after the sun sets.

Solar energy can be captured in four different ways: photovoltaics (A.K.A. solar energy), solar heating and cooling, concentration solar power, and passive solar. Active solar systems use mechanical and electrical devices to convert the sun’s light and heat to another form of energy to use. Photovoltaics, solar heating and cooling, and concentration power are all active solar systems. The most commonly used method is solar panels, normally located on rooftops to capture the sunlight. Passive solar is a method that involves a building being capable of collecting, storing, and distributing the heat energy from sunlight to maintain a comfortable temperature inside without using moving parts or 

Passive Solar System

Active Solar System

Pros:                                                        Cons:                                       

Renewable                                             Sunlight Isn't Available 24/7
Abundant                                                Expensive Installation
Environmentally Friendly                        Expensive Technology
Available                                                 Expensive Raw Materials
Reduces Electricity Costs                       Production Creates Pollution
Tax Credit

Solar energy is a very clean, unlimited source of energy that is still being developed and researched every day. It is readily available and environmentally friendly except for the waste that is created in the production process. Production is also very expensive because of the raw materials, and installation is just as pricey. The investment is normally worth it though because of the 30% tax break and reduced electricity costs. Over time, home solar energy systems normally pay themselves off while creating clean, renewable energy.  Besides price being an issue, the sun itself can cause some problems.  Sometimes there can be a lack of sunlight, therefore causing the effectiveness of solar energy to go down.  In solar power plants, scientists are suggesting having back up sources like wind turbines in combination with solar panels.  That way if there is a lack of sunlight, maybe the wind turbines can take over and vise-versa.    

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Unit 3
Animals 'Making a Comeback'


     Over the past couple of decades, Europe has been pursuing their goal of restoring animal populations.  Since the late 1950's and early '60's, many European countries have been working hard to save many of their species of animals, mostly mammals and birds.  They have had great success with the program over the years, and recently a report was released called 'Wildlife Comeback in Europe.'  It's the first in-depth report that documents Europe's species recovery.
     Animal population decline is a recurring problem around the world.  There are many factors including over-exploitation, poaching, and mainly habitat loss that contribute to the problem. Europe, on the other hand, has actually seen an increase in their animal populations because of their valiant efforts to restore them.
     Tighter hunting regulations and habitat protection are at the front line of their defense, and have proven to be key in their success.  The Barnacle Goose is a good example of this.  Since 1950, the goose population in Russia has increased from 10,000 individuals to 908,000 in 2009.  Human migration from rural areas to the cities have also helped animals thrive by giving them more space to live.

     Besides the geese, most bird populations remained the same, but certain mammal populations have seen amazing growth, the average being a 30% increase in mammals.  In the early 20th century, the bison went extinct in the wild, but now there are nearly 2,759 individuals living free in Europe today.  That's a 3000% increase since 1950.  The European beaver has also seen a tremendous recovery with a 14,000% increase since 1960.  The beaver population went from 1,200 to 337, 500, making up 33% of the worlds' population.  White-tailed sea eagles, Red kites, Northern chamois, bears, and grey wolves, just to name a few, have all seen an increase in population since the fifties.  

     Increasing animal populations is fantastic, but it has caused some headaches for farmers.  The geese and birds are starting to cause conflict, and many people, especially farmers, are concerned about the increase in the wolf population.  Compensation and subsidies plans are currently in place in some European countries to try and help out farmers without killing the animals.
The comeback project has greatly helped Europe increase their biodiversity and even save animals from extinction!
